Full circle or...
...not so full.
Sometimes is better, circle not to be so full, so perfect. Than I still have a chance to fill it, re le make it, re- do it and every time put a little me in it. I like this little changes, that make everyday life nicer.
How about you? Do you like things like they are or you like to change them a bit?
Sometimes is better, circle not to be so full, so perfect. Than I still have a chance to fill it, re le make it, re- do it and every time put a little me in it. I like this little changes, that make everyday life nicer.
How about you? Do you like things like they are or you like to change them a bit?
Wow, your photos are so beautiful! I also just figured out how to translate the page so am even more excited to look through your blog. I got your email and am thrilled you want to join in the ACoLab!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI am sorry you are having a problem using the "Submit Here" button which should bring you to my email address... you can use anikatoro@gmail.com
Thanks and I look forward to seeing more of your work...really pretty photos...
This is just beautiful!
OdgovoriIzbrišiSe mi zdi, da postajavm vedno bolj taka, da imam rada stalnice ;) Ampak drobne spremembe pa vsekakor ohranjam, kajti drugače bi bilo res preveč monotono.
OdgovoriIzbrišikako ja ovo nisam koemntirala?:)
OdgovoriIzbrišiOdlično i jako interesantno, bravo!!!